Monday, June 1, 2009 |

I think of a lot of things sometimes, and I can only manage to write them all out at work, because it's the only moment I have time.

There are certain points in my life (certain times, and certain people), who just remain consistent. And then there are those who fluctuate. And I wonder why I keep letting the fluctuation happen, because it's a consistent fluctuation (so I guess, logically, everything in my life is consistent, even the things that fluctuate since they consistently fluctuate...kay, that's slightly confusing, and makes my life sound dull. ANYWAY), so I know no matter how hard I try to prevent it, it'll keep happening. And frankly, I kind of done with trying. The costs no longer outweigh the benefits, and so therefore, I think I'm just going to call it quits with attempting to prevent things from fluctuating. I can't prevent it, so there's no point. If it stops, then cool. If not, then well, I'll find a way to deal with it. I'm just getting sick of pretending like I'm okay with it, because I'm not. So that's that then.
And no, that was not an attempt to sound deep or anything, hahaha. I just wrote it how I was thinking it, which turned out to be slightly incoherent and looks like an attempt to make it seem like something it's not, hahaha. Oops.

Anyway, these early mornings and late nights are driving me crazy. I never get enough sleep, or enough time to do things I want to do. It's so sad. But that's my life now, I suppose. Oh yeah, and I need to plan out the next year of my life, because clearly, it's not suppose to work out the way I want it to. What else is new. Oh well, I'll figure something out.

I'm done rambling now. I'm going to have lunch and maybe find some work to do after.